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Transforming lives through arts therapy

In 2017 Inspirative collaborated with YMCA Derby to deliver unique opportunity to train those who are currently unemployed and have a criminal record. The project was funded by Skills for Care.
The difference with the training Inspirative were offering was to include a series of group arts therapy sessions before they engaged in formal training to gain accreditation in using activity provision for the social care sector.

The testimony below of one of the candidates not only underwent the training but also went on to receive individual therapy through the access fund. This is what they had to say:

“My journey started with Inspirative Arts  


Hearing about what Inspiraitve Arts and Inspirative Development offered, it seemed like a very good idea but I didn’t realise that through this journey I would have gained so much! 

Inspirative Arts at times felt like I had found my ideal world. With people advocating for social justice in the health and social care sector (equal rights for people with criminal records) & how everyone should really be person centred because after all it is a person centred sector. 

Before I started Inspirative Arts I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder I used to think people were out to get me because I’m small and too kind but as I started to educate myself on the course I started to learn many many things:
-Maslow hierarchy of needs 
-Gibbs reflective cycle 
-7 seven eyed supervision model 
-joharis window 
-the chair method 
-shadow (anger management tools). 
Not to mention all the books that the universe needed me to read, feel the fear , a new earth, boundaries, kiss the frog, coaching. 
It was almost like someone had given me all the tools I would ever need in my life… which again is something so priceless. 
I learned to challenge my mind, I learned to challenge my mental health, I learned that if you feel something is wrong that someone’s done you should react in a way that makes the person feel comfortable, I learned so many things that can build on my emotional intelligence . Today I am actually using the chair method (what I’d like to say to a someone & what they would say to me) & this helps me do “the work” & provide closure. I can’t thank you all enough honestly. You’ve been very supportive and understanding towards me & provided me a space where I can grow in confidence and many other skills. ”